Welcome back! I’m getting the hang of this blogging malarkey…whether they are of any interest is a different matter. 🙃
So today I wanted to talk about my YouTube channel. I started it a few years ago, but gave up with it pretty quick (that’s a recurring theme in my life 🤪) then last year I started up again.
I started making enough videos in advance, that I could upload them all at the same time with different release dates.
I now release a new video every week - Friday at midday. Originally it was because that’s when my niece would watch one before having an afternoon nap. But keeping up with consistency works! So now, people know when to tune in and catch my videos. I do 2 ‘everyday’ stories, by that I mean they can be watched at any time during the day or evening. They have sound effects and music and my voice is a lot louder (sorry grown ups!)
Followed by a bedtime read aloud. So the sound effects are usually something relaxing, falling rain, snoring etc. the music is soft and gentle and my voice is low and calming.
I recently changed the way I make the videos and have included a bit more of ‘me’ in them…not sure if that’s a good idea or not! All trial and error at the moment. But I’ve always loved CBeebies bedtime stories, where you see the celebrity reading the story and the illustrations from the book…so I thought I would give it a try it. Unfortunately I can’t get Tom Hardy to read them for me…I heard his bedtime reads are quite popular. 😂
I now have 124 videos, 416 subscribers and over 110,000 views! Looking back at my first few videos, I can see how much they’ve improved. Progress is always nice to see.
It’s been amazing watching my channel grow and having people view my videos from all across the world. And now I’m pretty expert in making them, I really enjoy putting them together and seeing the finished product.
My children have SO many children books and we visit our local library at least twice a month, and as they’re choosing their books, I’m rummaging through collecting my read aloud’s.
I’m looking to venture into other types of videos in the future. Perhaps me singing nursery rhymes with actions for the children to copy, more read aloud’s using makaton signing (Mr Tumble as my inspiration of course), maybe a few live read aloud’s, I’d like to find books that explore different celebrations eg. Eid, valentines, Hanukkah etc.
And perhaps some videos giving advice to children on how to write their own story.
But right now, I want to help my channel grow, stay consistent, keep uploading and hopefully reaching more children who love a good story.
And I’m ALWAYS on the look out for new and interesting stories so if anyone reading this blog has any recommendations…please do share!
Oh and just in case...KT Budge Books Read Aloud (just search on YouTube!)
Write you soon! ✍️