Let’s start by saying, I have no idea what to write in a blog. So, in the coming weeks I will be watching, reading and researching so I can figure out how to write something interesting. And hope, that this ‘First One’ won't be the only one, and more importantly, I won’t be the only one reading it.
So, for The First One I thought I’d start by introducing myself. My name is Katie, I’m a children’s book author, I have three children, two dogs and one husband. I have a love for photography and nature (and often combine the two) I have a constant little voice that tells me 'You don’t know what you’re doing' (which to be fair, could be right in terms of this blog.)
I have a wonderful mum, a bagpiping dad, a hilarious big brother and two incredible sisters. We are all very close, and I’m the baby…even at 31 years old, I’m the baby.

One of my nature photography images
I also suffer with social anxiety, which makes it incredibly hard to “sell” myself when I struggle to speak to other humans. I’m sure many of you can relate, going over conversations, practicing what you will say before speaking to someone, constant fidgeting, constantly worrying about offending someone, what if there’s something in my teeth, what if I have mascara printed on my top eyelid…it’s all good fun, not at all exhausting! I guess that’s another thing to know about me…sarcasm is my humour.

Me and all my freckliness - don’t know why my iPad is telling me that’s not a word.
Luckily, that social anxiety doesn’t exist when talking to children. There’s something about those little guys, they bare no judgement, and if they do, they have no issue what-so-ever in telling you. I love that innocent honesty they carry.
But anyway, I have lived in Stevenage my whole life, born and bred as they say. Stevenage is a nice enough town, but my dream is to live in the countryside. A cosy cottage, plenty of land, tons of rescue dogs and a few donkeys...I don’t think that’s too much. I’d love my children to grow up in the countryside, we are outdoorsy, nature lovers and I know they would thrive!
My children are my world, everything I do, is for them. Even now as I write this blog, I am constantly checking the time on my iPad for when I need to pick up my daughter from nursery. I think as parents we always want to do the ‘right’ things for our kids. And every day we try our best. But let‘s face it, the little people in our lives are complex creatures, (and sometimes have far too much power for someone so small). They are mini versions of ourselves, which isn’t always the best thing. And parenting doesn’t come with a manual, and if it did, we’d be reading it for the rest of our lives. I know as a 31 year old woman, I still need my mum just as much as I did as a child. So as parents, we just do what we can, learn along the way, one day something works, the next day it fails. We’re all in the same boat that sometimes feels like its on the verge of capsizing. Yet we continue to paddle and try to find the calmer waters.

My little loves - Phoebe, Gerrard-Anthony and James - at the beach on the Isle of Wight (our favourite holiday)
And this is why I decided to become self-employed as an author in June this year. I want to provide financially for my children and my family and support my husband in the way he supports us. (Must add my husband is pretty amazing, unfortunately this blog isn’t about him…so that will do.) I also want to start taking myself seriously as an author. 2017 was the year my first book was published and now 11 books in, it's time I step it up a notch.
I have probably had around 465 hobbies over the years, poems in frames, candle making, bath bombs, sewing, baking…the list goes on. But writing children stories is a hobby that has stuck. I have never tired of it. I get butterflies every time a story comes to my head. And even at 4am I will write it all down. And I will continue to write, create and illustrate until I no longer love it. Or when writers block finally wears out my brain, (honestly there’s nothing worse!)
So, there’s a little bit about me. I could add that I’m impatient and hot headed, but I am also very loyal, funny (usually unintentionally) I love my family and friends, I put others before myself and I can touch my nose with my tongue. (My little party trick I guess it's called)
So there is The First One - I hope you enjoyed it! And I sincerely hope I'm not the only one reading it.

Hey Katie. love hearing bout yourself. love your books. i Aldo love photography and nature. you inspire many I’m sure. believe in you. your amazing 🤩