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Here’s to 2024!


Happy new year everyone! I haven’t written a blog in a long time, apologise for that. 2023 brought me my fourth child and my 3rd son - so safe to say I’ve had my hands full. He’s now four months old and with my other 3 children in full time school, I’m hoping to have a little time for me and my books.

There are a few plans I have in mind, but I’m not putting unnecessary pressure on myself to complete them this year. But to get started, see how they go, see how I grow and progress is what I’m looking forward to.

One thing is my artwork. I’ve been using procreate for the last few years now, I’ve illustrated ‘hug’ and ‘Dave the duck’ on the app and I want to keep improving my skills. For Christmas, my husband bought me the most amazing set of colouring pencils…(I have a weird thing about colours and shades - it’s like I feel colour…yes as I wrote this I heard how weird it sounded! It’s hard to explain, but receiving this gift made me incredibly happy!)

As you can see, organised colours…just nothing more satisfying…to me anyway!

So I’ve been using them to create and colour drawings before uploading them onto procreate to improve them further.

I’ve loved improving my skills and using new brushes and techniques to create my artworks. So this is definitely something I want to continue doing through out the year.

I also want to potentially sell some of my artwork, I’m hoping to do this through my website…so keep them peeled!

Something else I am working on is my YouTube channel. I’m hoping to get more subscribers and views on my read alouds. I’ve made a few changes to the way I make my videos and I’m hoping they work out! I really enjoy working on my read alouds, reading to children, making silly voices or calming my voice for the bedtime stories. And it’s been amazing to reach children in Australia, America, all across the world! It’s incredible.

I’m also looking to get back into my photography. I started photography when I was 15, I had broken up with my first boyfriend and my dad was fed up with me moping around the house. So he gave me his camera, told me to go out…and I fell in love. I love capturing nature in all its beauty. I love noticing the little things that are usually missed, things we walk past on a daily basis and don’t realise are there.

The rounded raindrops sitting on a leaf, the view from a rock pool out to the sea and the little waves that crash into the rocks. (I love the sound of water so the beach is one of my favourite places to be, and water is one of my favourite things to photograph) These small things that are so beautiful, but usually missed. It makes me stop, focus and notice. I feel so calm when taking photos because it takes all my focus and attention. So I can’t wait to get back into it! I may also be selling prints of my photos on my website too! So keep ‘em peeled. My camera is currently broken so I’m waiting for a new part to arrive, then I can get going again.

So these are my little goals for this year, I think they’re all achievable but with four children, I need to fit around them. Also, I want to keep on top of my website, so lots of little jobs that I can work on, improve on, develop and achieve!

And to those of you reading this blog. Just because it’s a new year, don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Make small achievable goals…and even if it doesn’t work out, there’s always tomorrow. You can only do what you can do. Don’t rush yourself. Enjoy this year - and do whatever it is that makes you happy!

Stay present, stay positive and be you! Always x




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